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Liana Kreamer

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Psychology

| College of Psych. and Liberal Arts

| Industrial Organizational Psychology

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Liana M. Kreamer is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial Organizational Psychology program. She earned a B.S. in Psychology in 2017 at the Pennsylvania State University, an M.A. in I/O Psychology in 2020 from the University of North Carolina Charlotte, and her Ph.D. in Organizational Science in 2023 from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Her research has centered on the science behind teamwork, leadership, and workplace collaborations - with a specific focus on work meetings. She has authored over 10 peer-reviewed journal papers on teams, meetings, organizational leadership, and best practice research methodologies. During the last several years, Dr. Kreamer has extensively collaborated with leading organizations, such as Microsoft, investigating the effectiveness of their hybrid and remote work arrangements. She has taught over ten courses spanning the disciplines of Psychology, Business, Leadership, Negotiation and Organizational Behavior. As an active researcher, Professor Kreamer is a member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the Southern Management Association (SMA), and the Academy of Management (AOM). She is a member of various committees including the Division 14 of APA and the SIOP Special Sessions Committee.